10 Things About: Florida

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The land of sunshine and beaches, but there is more to Florida than finding your vices in Miami or meeting Mickey Mouse at Disney World. Here are ten things you (probably) didn’t know about the Sunshine State.

  1. The 27th State

Florida became the 27th state on the 3rd March 1845. Settlement in Florida can be traced as far back as 1559 after it was discovered by Spanish explorers. Spain temporarily handed the colony over to Britain in 1763 in exchange for Havana, Cuba, and was split into West and East Florida. The colony remained loyal to the British during the Revolutionary War. Spain regained Florida in 1783 after Britain lost the war. By 1821, Florida had become a financial burden to Spain, so it was simply handed over the the United States.

2. Low Points

Florida is a low lying state. Its high point, Britton Hill, is only 345 feet above sea level. The average elevation is only 6 feet, although some locations may be lower than than that. Miami, a major city, is only 2 meters above sea level.

3. Spanish Influence

The flag is inspired by the Spanish flag of Burgundy. To differentiate the flag from Alabama (which has the same), Florida has included its state seal in the middle.

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St Augustine was established in 1565.

4. Oldest Town

St Augustine is the oldest continually inhabited European established settlement in the United States. It was founded in 1565 by Spanish admiral, Pedro Menendez de Aviles, who also served as Florida’s first governor. Today, it has a population of just over 14,000.

5. Wanna Play Golf?

Florida has the most golf courses of any state. There are more than 1,250 courses and most are open to the public for a fee. Due to the number of courses, Florida caters to many different levels of golfer, from simple for the beginner to complex courses for the professional.

6. Paying to Park Your Elephant

In Florida, if you tie your elephant to a parking meter, you still have to pay the regular parking fee. No idea why this law was needed – who’s driving elephants in this state? Also in Florida, it is illegal to commit “unnatural acts” with another person and selling your children is prohibited in the state’s law. As for sexual acts, oral sex is illegal and only the missionary position is allowed.

7. Shocking

There are more cloud-to-ground lightning strikes in Florida than in any other state. On average. there are 1.45 million strikes in the state every year and around 25.3 strikes for every square mile. Florida’s climate makes it ideal for thunderstorms. The tropical heat and humidity combined with sea breezes from the Atlantic and Gulf coasts makes it lightning breeding ground. Five people on average die each year as a result of being hit by a lightning strike.

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Florida also produces 40% of the world’s orange juice

8. Orange State

Around 70% of all oranges in the United States are grown in Florida. The state also exports its oranges around the world, with major markets in Europe, Canada, and Japan. Citrus fruits is a major industry, worth an estimated $9 billion. Unsurprisingly, Florida’s state fruit is the orange.

9. Windy Today, Isn’t It?

Florida’s hurricane season lasts from 1 June to 30 November, with peak season being between mid-August to late October. Most of these will be classified as tropical storms, which have wind speeds between 39 and 73 miles per hour. A Category 1 hurricane has speeds of 74-95 mph. Category 2 is 96-110 mph. Category 3 is 111-129 mph. Category 4 is 130-156 mph. A Category 5 hurricane has sustained wind speeds of over 157 mph. Of all hurricanes that have struck the United States on record, around 40% made landfall in Florida. The tropical climate and warm waters make ideal conditions for hurricanes.

10. Life’s A Beach

Including the Florida Keys, the state’s coastline totals 1,350 miles in length – second only to Alaska. Of this, 663 miles are beaches.

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